Rizk for Professional Development, one of Syrian Forum's six institutions, is opening an office in Gaziantep.

Rizk works to prepare and enhance Syrians' personnel skills to fit the Turkish job market, in order to find employment for Syrians living in Turkey. Rizk provides its services free of charge to Syrian refugees so that they can support themselves and their families. Since its establishment in June 2014, Rizk has arranged over 6,000 jobs for Syrians living in Turkey through its office in Urfa.

HopeForSyria RIZK

Despite this success, the need to arrange and create jobs for Syrians in Turkey persists. Therefore, Rizk is committed to expand to Gaziantep, Istanbul, and other Turkish cities. Syrian Forum USA and Rizk would especially like to extend their sincere gratitude to Hope For Syria for their trust and support in sponsoring the new Rizk office in Gaziantep.

Due to the great accomplishments that Rizk has experienced so far in the short period since its inception, many Arab media outlets in Turkey continue to show interest in shedding the light on the organization through publishing reports and features about Rizk.

Among them is Al-Sharq Newspaper in Qatar, which in its November 16th issue presented a report detailing the distinguished partnership between Rizk and the Qatari NGO RAF, which has secured 1840 jobs for Syrians in Turkey. The newspaper highlighted how Rizk and RAF have collaborated to provide job training and skill development workshops for hundreds of Syrians since the beginning of 2016.

Since the partnership agreement between Rizk and RAF was created, 4541 Syrians have gained employment, benefitting over 27,000 syrian refugees in Turkey. Rizk has received over 26,000 applications for jobs in its Urfa office alone since its inception.